
"Rip-off" e outras linguagens comerciais

19 de Abril


As vezes, o preço de algum item é tão desproporcionalmente maior que a qualidade que até parece um roubo. Para que você possa evitar esse tipo de enganação no exterior, hoje vamos treinar um pouco do nosso vocabulário comercial.



Have you ever been ripped-off? I hope not! A rip-off is when something is priced much higher than it should be. The cost of the item does not match it's quality. If you paid a lot of money for a new bag, for example, but a strap breaks off the first time you use it, then that bag was probably a rip-off.



Many people get ripped-off because they were led to believe that the product they were purchasing was really worth what they paid for it.
Salespeople are very good at convincing customers to buy their products. They try to blow their customer's mind by telling them all the "outstanding" features and advantages of what they are selling. The seller always makes it seem like their product is the best in the world! But many times, it's just a lot of talk.

Other techniques that salespeople can use to make more sales, is by offering discounts and convincing their customers that they are getting a great deal. Just a 10% discount can be enough to get somebody to buy what they are selling. Delivery is another huge selling point; people tend to buy a lot more if they get free shipping and delivery, so many businesses take advantage of this to increase their sales.

But the true secret to success in sales isn't by ripping-off your customers. If you want to build a strong, successful business, the key is customer satisfaction. If your customers are happy with the product they purchased, and feel like they paid fairly for it, they are much more likely to buy from you again, and will might even recommend your product to their friends and families. So with one satisfied customer, you could be gaining several additional customers!

Some companies that have realized this secret to sales success go so far as to guarentee their customers' satisfaction. They promise to make sure their customers love the product, and if they don't, they can send it back for a refund, and get all their money back. It takes a lot more work to guarentee customer satisfaction, but the advantage is that is causes your customers to trust your business, and it becomes much easier for them to buy from you again and again.


As a buyer, if a salesperson guarentees your satisfaction, you can be pretty sure that they aren't ripping you off. But if you end up not liking the product, you can always return it and ask for a refund. Happy shopping!



Katie Smith







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